Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Movie Review: If I Stay

If I Stay
Starring Chloë Grace Moretz and Jamie Blackley
Based on the novel by Gayle Forman

My Forever Young Adult book club had the opportunity to see the pre-screening of If I Stay on Monday. I don’t do sad movies, as a life rule, but I broke it *justthisonce*. So I had to prepare myself: waterproof eyeliner and mascara were required. A bottle of water for when I needed to swallow the pain. And a box of Puffs Plus with Lotion (shown below).
All my preparations did little to disguise my red nose and bloodshot eyes when the movie was over. Nor did it keep my co-book club members from laughing at my expense (I’m looking at you, Noelle!). Seriously, I’m a sympathetic cryer - if someone’s crying, I am, too. Doesn't matter if it’s a real life situation, a book or movie, or that one time I binge watched Long Island Medium (don’t judge).

So about the movie: there will be tears. Unless you’re a robot. The rest of the review will hopefully be spoiler free, but read at your own risk.
Noelle, Rachel (me), and Jamie...and my Puffs
There were the usual complaints about things in the movie not matching the book (which I haven’t read, but the others told me about). Like Mia and Adam’s relationship issues were more pronounced in the movie. And the wreck scene wasn't as gory as it was in the book. But the biggest complaint had to do with a thing that Adam says at the end of the book that he doesn't say at the end of the movie.
CGM is of course a delight (though her perfect salon-styled hair made me a little crazy - I miss 90s teen movie hair, it was much more realistic), and I adored each of the minor characters: Mia’s parents were amazing, her lil bro was completely adorbs, and Kim is a damn fine friend even though we didn't see much of her. The actor playing Adam was appropriately dreamy (I thought) and if that was actually Mr. Blackley singing, then the kid’s got skills. He also had the cheesiest lines in the movie. I asked if it was that bad in the book, and apparently it just comes off better in print. Oh, and Gramps didn’t just make me cry, he made me ugly cry.
Like I said before, I hadn't read the book, but I was familiar with the story and knew where it was headed. However, some of the poor folk in the audience clearly didn't - the screen went black and there was an audible gasp from the audience, the kind that states, “this can’t be the end!” Then the credits started rolling and there was a lot of betrayed groaning noises. Hopefully it’ll prompt them to read the book! #TeamBooks #YAForever
Oh, and they were giving away a few swag bags, and because Jamie knew that CGM starred with Jim Carrey in Kickass 2, she won one!

Thanks to the lovely FYA crew for providing us with the tickets for the screening (and PenguinTeen who provided FYA with the tickets!); we had a great night!
The review was originally posted to our FYA book club tumblr page and can be found at: 


  1. I’m not gonna lie: I'm a sucker for romantic, tearjerker flicks. There's something about them that just grabs me and makes me give into the forced emotion. I’m sure if I watched "If I Stay" it wouldn’t be any different.

  2. There are a few scenes that just KILL. Those tended to be the scenes where my supposed "friends" gave me the side eye and laughed at my blubbering.
